all the material will be posted shortly to our separated blog(which I mention in some posting before). I think it will be necessary to do the website or if not to advertise our blog that there will be bigger interest in what we are doing.
we decided with Jennie that we will do that kind of interview session each week, or even twice a week, so hopefully it will grow to a big project:)
what is difficult is to photograph the person who we talk to, not all of them agreed yesterday to be photograph, also I don't know how we will put everything together as a one peace, we would like to do it as a slide show, but some of our stories are short and some of them are long, so the question is shall we decide which one is more important? and what to do if we don;t have an image to go with the story? anyway I think that we will put it together somehow.
now I need to transfer the recordings from my mp3 player and edit them in some software so we will have a clear voice without the messy background.
some example of the photos Jennie took with her camera phone: